Higher Education Institution
- Arabic,French,Hindi,Spanish,Swahili,American Sign Language,Chinese,Cherokee
Public | Four-year institutions
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Charlotte, North Carolina 28223
Teacher Licensure in 19 Languages Institute Background
To address the state-wide need to prepare teachers of less commonly taught languages, the Graduate Certificate/M.A.T. in Foreign Language Education offers teacher licensure in American Sign Language, Arabic, Cherokee, Chinese, French, German, Greek (Ancient or Modern), Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, and Turkish. The program is fully online to ensure access to teacher candidates across the state of North Carolina. Each course was developed with support from an instructional technologist and was certified by Quality Matters, a nationally-recognized program to assure the quality of online education.
- Access
- Accountability
- Keys to access and accountability
Improve Access for all learners in more languages
Techniques to Retain HULs
- Faculty/administrative awareness training
Obstacles that HULs face
- None
Offer classes specifically targeted to HULs
Adapt delivery modes to HULs
Specific practices that are the reasons your HULs enjoy success in your program
Practice 1
The Graduate Certificate/M.A.T. in Foreign Language Education is fully online, which allows candidates to complete coursework without coming to campus.
Practice 2
Courses in the program are certified by Quality Matters, a global organization that provides quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments. All courses have met usability and accessibility standards set by the organization.
Increase ACCOUNTABILITY Through Transparency And Documentation
Program publishes clear description of its goals and requirements
Program makes public its efforts to increase HUL enrollments
Program makes public its definition of student success
Program incorporates online learning in order to increase access and/or improve learning
Emphasize in your language program
- Diversity
- Cultural Literacy
- Employment opportunities
- Language Proficiency
- Social justice
Implement any workforce preparation activities
- Internships in an employment setting
Support co-curricular collaborations
- Professional teacher association programs, seminars, workshops
- K-12 collaborations
Keys to access and Accountability
Recruit teachers from HUL communities
Teacher profile reflect
Offer in-service professional development
Support professional development focused
- Emergent Bilingual Learners from NA & heritage/immigrant communities
- Learners from a broad range or ‘different’ of cultures
Program partner with any of the following
- Dual language immersion programs
Private business enterprises that benefit HULs
Partnerships with philanthropic
Language immersion opportunities
Institution Information
Institution classified as a Minority Serving
Actively Recruit Students from following groups
- African Americans
Is Language Required
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Commission on Colleges