Native American Language Education
- Native American languages
Upper Tanana Language Course
Online Upper Tanana Language Course with 7000 Languages Institute Background
Doyon Languages Online is developing and offering online language-learning lessons for the Alaska Native languages of the Doyon region. These lessons are easily accessible for free to all interested learners and teachers. Doyon Languages Online is accessible on all devices, including desktop and laptop computers, as well as on mobile devices using the Transparent Language app for Apple and Android. Through Doyon Languages Online, our goal is to increase the number of people who speak Benhti Kokhut’ana Kenaga’ (Lower Tanana), Deg Xinag, Denaakk’e (Koyukon), Dihthaad Xt’een Iin Aanděeg’ (Tanacross), Dinak’i (Upper Kuskokwim), Dinjii Zhuh K’yaa (Gwich’in), Hän, Holikachuk, and Nee’aanèegn’ (Upper Tanana) by:
-Creating introductory online language-learning lessons for each of the languages
-Training teachers in the use of the technology through partnerships with school districts, and field testing lessons with students
-Creating a template document that helps other language communities in the Doyon area to complete similar online language lesson projects
- Access
- Excellence
- Keys to Access and Excellence
Improve Access for all learners in more languages
Specific practices that are the reasons your HULs enjoy success in your program
Practice 1
Incorporation of information about the culture within the language learning courses
Practice 2
Practice language speaking and conversation skills
Practice 3
Listening to audio from a community of Native speakers
Excellence through transparency and accountability
Online Learning Access
Provide targeted support and programming for Native American languages
Institution Information
Group of learners
- Pre-school
- Elementary level
- Middle school
- High school
- Post-secondary
- Adult learners
- Elder
- Teachers
Recruit Students from USED category
- Alaska Native
Groups over 10%
- Alaska Native