PK - 12 Schools
- Spanish
Elementary | Red Clay Consolidated School District | District school
District school
William C. Lewis Elementary
Wilmington, Delaware 19806
Language Learning Proves Benefits Beyond Communication Institute Background
Dual language immersion offers a rich bilingual experience for all learners, but especially for elementary school-age children whose minds are developmentally best able to acquire a second language. Lewis’s program is the only whole-school Dual Language Spanish immersion elementary school in the State of Delaware. All our students are dual language immersion learners. Lewis ES also has a rich history of celebrating culture and languages in the building and with the school’s families. Our language teachers include native speakers from other countries and are able to provide authentic experiences for our language learners by bringing their culture, countries' histories, and traditions into our classrooms. Therefore, our students learn a second language as well as the rich culture that comes with language learning.
Through our dual language immersion program, students attain high levels of second language proficiency better than through any other type of instruction. Our program is a gift to our students and opens doors and pathways to a variety of career opportunities both nationally and internationally. Delaware has a state choice program for K-12 education, so William C. Lewis students comprise not only of those within the school neighborhood vicinity, but also includes students from other districts whose families choose our school over others.
- Access
- Accountability
- Keys to Access & Accountability
Improve Access for all learners in more languages
Strategies to Retain HULs
- Specially designed courses
Specific practices that are the reasons your HULs enjoy success in your program
Practice 1
Diverse cultural celebrations including Hispanic Heritage Month, Black History Month, Women's History Month
Practice 2
Culturally responsive teaching is used to connect and engage our diverse group of learners as well as to extend the appreciation of second language acquisition through culture.
Practice 3
Our staff comprises a committed group of educators in and for urban education.
Ethnic/Racial Profile of Students
Ethnic/Racial Profile of Students
Increase Accountability by effectively meeting all learner needs
Does your program publish description of its language program’s goals and requirements?
Does your program make public its efforts to increase HUL enrollments?
Does your program make public its definition of student success?
Does your program incorporate online learning in order to increase access and/or improve learning?
- No
Levels of Language
- 2
Years of Language Program Offer
- 6
Assess Language Outcomes
- AAPPL tests (ACTFL)
- Language Portfolios
- Textbook provided assessments
- Content-based state tests
- Program created tests
- Teacher created tests
Federal Sources of Support
- Title I
- Title III
State Program Fund Name
- Maintenance funds
Receive Federal Funding
- Yes
Emphasize in Language Program
- Cultural Literacy
- Global citizenship, cosmopolitanism
- Human diversity, including linguistic diversity
- Intercultural Competence
- Social inclusion
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Usage/immersion learning (teaching content through the target language)
Workforce Preparation Activity
Certain aspects of programming help ensure both Access and Accountability and merit more specific inquiry, including Teaching, Immersion Learning, and Partnerships.
Reaching to Recruit Teachers
- Other countries
Mirror Population of Staff
LEA or SEA offer
- Professional learning specifically targeting language teachers
Immersion Experience
Immersion Experience HULs
Support Students to Participate
- Government agencies
Government Agnecy Name
- Embassy of Spain
Program Partner with
- Heritage communities’ organizations
Explicit Example
Lewis Dual Language ES is the only ISA (International Spanish Academy) recognized school in the State of Delaware. This is a program of cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain. Some goals include the following:
o develop a quality Spanish-English bilingual education program
o foster international relationships
o Hosting visiting teachers from Spain.
o connections with organizations promoting the Spanish language and culture
o network with other schools across the United States and World
o Participate in events and activities organized by the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain.
Institution Information
Groups Over 10%
African Americans
Free & Reduced Lunch
100 %
Authorized IB World School
Title I School
Second Language Requirement