Higher Education Institution
- Russian
Public | Four-year institutions
Portland State University
Portland, Oregon 97207
Russian Language and Cultural Skills for Any Major Institute Background
We adjust course offerings so that students can gain proficiency as rapidly as possible. For example, we offer both regular-paced and intensive first-year Russian during the academic year, and we offer third-year Russian both during the summer and during the academic year.
We work closely with Russian language programs in the local community colleges and the local public school district so that there is a smooth transition from those programs to our Russian minor, major, and/or Flagship program. We can successfully place students and heritage speakers in our program based on their proficiency levels since our courses are designed to meet specific proficiency outcomes.
We offer intensive advising to students about language learning strategies, study strategies, testing performance strategies, guidance in applying for scholarships (Boren, CLS, Gilman), and career exploration. These topics are covered in a one-credit Flagship Studies class that students take each term of their first year in the program. We also offer academic advising about course selection to students so that they can complete any major at the university and the Russian Flagship Program.
- Access
- Accountability
- Keys to access and accountability
Improve Access for all learners in more languages
Techniques to Retain HULs
- Faculty/administrative awareness training
Obstacles that HULs face
- Schedule
- Program or institution requirements
Offer classes specifically targeted to HULs
Adapt delivery modes to HULs
Specific practices that are the reasons your HULs enjoy success in your program
Practice 1
Intensive advising and support for individual students; small class-size and faculty that keeps close watch on student academic success and progress
Practice 2
Ability to offer one-on-one conversation practice for students in the Flagship Program
Increase ACCOUNTABILITY Through Transparency And Documentation
Program publishes clear description of its goals and requirements
Program makes public its efforts to increase HUL enrollments
Program makes public its definition of student success
Program incorporates online learning in order to increase access and/or improve learning
Co-curricular Offerings
- The goal of the Flagship Program is for students to pursue any of the 200 majors that PSU offers and then add Russian to that major. Inside the Russian course offerings, we do offer content about the geography, history, politics, environmental issues etc
Emphasize in your language program
- Cultural Literacy
- Employment opportunities
- Global citizenship, cosmopolitanism
- Human diversity, including linguistic diversity
- Intercultural Competence
- Language Proficiency
- Usage/immersion learning
Implement any workforce preparation activities
- Internships in an employment setting
- Occupationally-oriented presentations by employers, employees, or alums
- Occupationally oriented workshops (credit or non-credit)
Support co-curricular collaborations
- Professional teacher association programs, seminars, workshops
- Other campus language programs
- K-12 collaborations
Keys to access and Accountability
Recruit teachers from HUL communities
Teacher profile reflect
Offer in-service professional development
Support professional development focused
- More focus on teaching language for proficiency; incorporating technology into language teaching and learning; measurement of student outcomes; organizing curriculum for advanced language learning
Program partner with any of the following
- Heritage communities
Private business enterprises that benefit HULs
Partnerships with philanthropic
- Overseas programs
Language immersion opportunities
Program conduct any of the following as part of their in-country language immersion programs
- Pre- and post-program assessments for students
- Language proficiency
- Intercultural development
Type of financial aid do you provide to HULs to participate in study abroad programs
- Partial scholarships
US federal government programs do you encourage
- Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
- The Language Flagship
- David L. Boren Scholarship or Fellowship
- Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
- Fulbright Scholarship
Partner with any foreign university where students will receive scholarship
Institution Information
Institution classified as a Minority Serving
Actively Recruit Students from following groups
- American Indians
- Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)