PK - 12 Schools
- Spanish
PreK-K | Cave Creek Elementary School | District school
District school
Desert Willow Elementary School
Cave Creek, Arizona 85331
The only International Spanish Academy in Arizona Institute Background
Historically, waitlists have been viewed as a sign of a strong program and were touted as desirable. In the past year, we have shifted our philosophy. We want every student who is prepared to commit to learning in an immersion classroom to have access to learning in a second language. We have committed to reducing or eliminating waitlists in order to expand access to our immersion programs to as many students as possible.
- Access
- Accountability
- Keys to Access & Accountability
Improve Access for all learners in more languages
Actively Recruit HULs
Strategies to Recruit HULs
Parent meetings
Strategies to Retain HULs
- None
Obstacles HULs Face
- None
Specific practices that are the reasons your HULs enjoy success in your program
Practice 1
Latinx students are able to join our immersion programs at any time in their educational career, maintaining a healthy enrollment in our program.
Practice 2
Cultural activities that celebrate Spanish-speaking countries help our Latinx families feel more connected and valued in the school.
Ethnic/Racial Profile of Students
Ethnic/Racial Profile of Students
Increase Accountability by effectively meeting all learner needs
Does your program publish description of its language program’s goals and requirements?
Does your program make public its efforts to increase HUL enrollments?
Does your program make public its definition of student success?
Does your program incorporate online learning in order to increase access and/or improve learning?
- No
Levels of Language
- 4
Years of Language Program Offer
- 7
Assess Language Outcomes
- AAPPL tests (ACTFL)
- Teacher created tests
Federal Sources of Support
- Basic M&O funding
Receive Federal Funding
- No
Emphasize in Language Program
- Cultural Literacy
- Employment opportunities
- Global citizenship, cosmopolitanism
- Human diversity, including linguistic diversity
- Intercultural Competence
- Translanguaging
Workforce Preparation Activity
Certain aspects of programming help ensure both Access and Accountability and merit more specific inquiry, including Teaching, Immersion Learning, and Partnerships.
Reaching to Recruit Teachers
- Other countries
Mirror Population of Staff
LEA or SEA offer
- Professional learning specifically targeting language teachers
Immersion Experience
Immersion Experience Latin
Immersion Experience HULs
Program Partner with
- Embassies/Consular offices
Explicit Example
As the only International Spanish Academy in Arizona, we have a strong partnership with the Embassy of Spain. This includes curricular resources and partnerships for our teachers as well as connections with students and teachers in Spain for virtual projects and authentic connections for our students with Spanish speakers.
Institution Information
Groups Over 10%
Obstacles HULs Face
Obstacles Latinx Face
Free & Reduced Lunch
5 %
Authorized IB World School
Title I School
Second Language Requirement