Higher Education Institution
- German
Public | Four-year institutions
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
German Studies Institute Background
We embrace an inclusive model of German Studies that integrates the study of language, literature, and culture at all levels. We offer an undergraduate major and minor, as well as graduate study culminating in an MA or a PhD.
Building on a tradition reaching back over 50 years, the German program has distinguished itself with its responsiveness to the changing face of German Studies in the US. We support three strong study abroad programs in Germany.
Our faculty and graduate students participate in interdisciplinary efforts in research and teaching connecting German Studies with Digital Humanities, Jewish Studies, History, the Social Sciences, Film, and Visual Studies. We have strong collaborations in outreach with The Center for Language Teaching Advancement and its Community Language School. Three successful Study Abroad Programs and extensive co-curricular offerings supplement our program.
In our graduate program, we prepare students for both academic and non-academic career paths. We take pride in a strong focus on German in the digital age with Graduate certifications in Digital Humanities and a strong emphasis on online teaching and educational technology in a global context. Our second area of distinction is cutting edge-foreign language, literature, and culture pedagogy beyond the basic language program. Our faculty members are committed to collaborate with and mentor students in the area of research and teaching. Funded by the Max Kade Foundation, we offer a robust course-shadowing program for graduate students to gain insights into teaching advanced German Studies courses.
In our undergraduate program, we offer a wide array of courses in language, literature, and culture with relevant up to-date themes. We welcome double majors and encourage undergraduates to take additional specializations, certificates, and pre-professional preparation, such as "German for the Professions" and the successful "Entrepreneurship Minor."
- Access
- Accountability
- Keys to access and accountability
Improve Access for all learners in more languages
Techniques to Retain HULs
Obstacles that HULs face
Offer classes specifically targeted to HULs
Adapt delivery modes to HULs
Specific practices that are the reasons your HULs enjoy success in your program
Practice 1
Our integrated approach is responsive and student-centered, with ongoing curricular development happening at the 100, 200, 300, and 400-leves. This ensures that our German courses speak to the changing needs and interests of students in the global and digital age.
In each course, we seek to integrate language and culture. Given our many double majors, we bridge the disciplinary gaps between STEM and the humanities by providing courses that integrate with STEM fields (examples are: "Nature", "Business German," and general education courses "Self, Surveillance, and Technologies," or "Autopsy: Visual Culture and Body Politic").
Mindful of articulation issues between the basic language program (100 and 200-level) and the advanced courses (300-400-level), we strive to make the advanced courses as interactive and communicative as possible. A multimodal approach, which includes the extensive use of authentic materials, allows us to move away from a focus on text-based materials and a textbook-based approach. We use project-based learning whenever possible; in addition to written tasks and oral presentations, most of our courses also require a visual presentation (poster, infographics, website, etc.).
At the end of the semester, we typically bring the German students of various levels together in a "night at the museum-type" showcase of their work. We find this to be a successful recruitment tool as lower level students can see what is possible and advanced students enjoy presenting to beginning learners. Beyond an opportunity to present in front of a real audience beyond their classmates, the diversity of topics and themes is another draw in this event. Supporting not only intellectual exchange, but also comradery among students and faculty, faculty members and graduate students embrace this event as the culmination of project-based learning.
Increase ACCOUNTABILITY Through Transparency And Documentation
Keys to access and Accountability
Recruit teachers from HUL communities
Support professional development focused
Program partner with any of the following
Institution Information
Institution classified as a Minority Serving
Actively Recruit Students from following groups
- American Indians
- Higher Learning Commission (HLC) (formerly part of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA)