PK - 12 Schools
- Chinese Mandarin,Spanish
PreK-K | Des Moines Public Schools | District school
District school
Des Moines Public Schools
Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines Public Schools in Iowa is proud of our multilingual and multicultural community Institute Background
Des Moines Public Schools in Iowa is proud of our multilingual and multicultural community which boasts 110 different languages. We believe that additional language learning not only offers many cognitive benefits for all students, but it also creates cultural awareness and appreciation. Most importantly, language connects our communities. Our IB schools have more than 1,500 elementary students and 2,200 middle school students enrolled in world language classes. Currently Heritage Spanish classes are an optional online course for any student in grades 3-8. Our Spanish program is excited to expand to all ten middle schools in the 2021-2022 school year to reach more than 7,300 students. Because Spanish is the second most common language in our community, we will offer Heritage Spanish courses at all middle schools. As students enter high school, they have the choice to study eight different language pathways, all offering four years of study with either AP or dual credit available. High school language choices are: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Spanish as a heritage language. Our World Language program aims to expand the number of languages with heritage course offerings. Due to our strong multilingual community and high-quality instruction, DMPS qualified more than 200 students for the Iowa Seal of Biliteracy in the first two years of implementation.
- Access
- Accountability
- Keys to Access & Accountability
Improve Access for all learners in more languages
Actively Recruit HULs
Strategies to Recruit HULs
Local recruitment campaigns targeting specific communities or learners
Increase Accountability by effectively meeting all learner needs
Assess Language Outcomes
- AAPPL tests (ACTFL)
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- NEWL (American Councils)
- State Seal of Biliteracy
Certain aspects of programming help ensure both Access and Accountability and merit more specific inquiry, including Teaching, Immersion Learning, and Partnerships.
Immersion Experience
Program Partner with
- Community colleges
Institution Information
Groups Over 10%
African Americans
Free & Reduced Lunch
67 %