PK - 12 Schools
- Arabic,Chinese Mandarin,French,Korean,Spanish
PreK-K | Los Angeles Unified School District is the Chartering Authority | Charter school
Charter school
Granada Hills Charter TK-12
Granada Hills, California 91344
Granada Hills TK-12 provides students of second languages with language-use experiences Institute Background
Granada Hills TK-12 provides students of second languages with language-use experiences that develop their ability to communicate. Students use language for real-world purposes in culturally appropriate ways. Attention to form allows students to comprehend and produce language with accuracy.
Students develop cultural and communicative skills necessary to function in real-world settings representative of target cultures within the United States and beyond. Grammar comes alive as students use language to exchange ideas and solve problems. Students identify with target culture bearers and their stories, which serve as a springboard for personal communication.
Highly motivating activities involve students in learning and promote camaraderie among classmates. The use of technology provides access to authentic documents and listening selections, audio support for the development of the speaking skill and a computer-assisted writing program. The teaching of learning strategies maximizes opportunities for language acquisition and provides students with the ability to use out of classroom interactions with native speakers to increase language competence.
The school provides students of heritage languages opportunities to build upon knowledge and skills they bring to the classroom. They provide language-use experiences that move students beyond informal situations in which they function. Structured activities enable students to perform successfully in formal, academic, professional and other real-world situations. Systematic support is provided to increase control of the formal linguistic register necessary to function in the broadest range of situations.
Language is presented in an interesting and lively manner using a thematic approach that highlights the heritage culture within and beyond the United States. Authentic materials are used to expose students to content and situations that prepare them to function in the world beyond the classroom. Topics are chosen to develop strong sense of identity and corresponding levels of self-esteem as students develop broad worldviews and begin to see themselves in professional roles.
- Access
- Accountability
- Keys to Access & Accountability
Improve Access for all learners in more languages
Actively Recruit HULs
Strategies to Recruit HULs
Local recruitment campaigns targeting specific communities or learners
Specific practices that are the reasons your HULs enjoy success in your program
Practice 1
We offer opportunities for students to study heritage languages (Arabic, Mandarin, Korean, Spanish) as well as French and American Sign Language. Additionally, when we are able to find instructors who can teach additional languages (most often teachers who wish to work part time or are highly qualified teacher of in another subject area), we have offered additional language programs including Armenian, German and Italian. Many of our students have requested access to coursework in Armenian, Farsi and Filipino. Should we be able to find instructors that meet the previously described criteria, we would be delighted to offer coursework in those areas.
Increase Accountability by effectively meeting all learner needs
Does your program publish description of its language program’s goals and requirements?
Does your program make public its definition of student success?
Does your program incorporate online learning in order to increase access and/or improve learning?
- Yes
Assess Language Outcomes
- AAPPL tests (ACTFL)
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- NEWL (American Councils)
- State Seal of Biliteracy
Emphasize in Language Program
- Cultural Literacy
- Employment opportunities
- Global citizenship, cosmopolitanism
- Human diversity, including linguistic diversity
- Intercultural Competence
- Social inclusion
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social justice
- Proficiency; cosmopolitanism;
Certain aspects of programming help ensure both Access and Accountability and merit more specific inquiry, including Teaching, Immersion Learning, and Partnerships.
Immersion Experience
Program Partner with
- International Baccalaureate
Institution Information
Groups Over 10%
Latino/Latina/Latinx learners
Free & Reduced Lunch
50 %
Authorized IB World School
Title I School
Second Language Requirement