PK - 12 Schools
- Chinese Mandarin,Spanish,English
PreK-K | El Paso Independent School District | District school
District school
Mesita Early Childhood Development Center/Mesita Elementary School
El Paso, Texas 79902
Aggressively seeking and serving students who have been nnderserved or under-identified Institute Background
Mesita ECDC/Elementary's efforts include aggressively seeking and serving students who have historically been underserved or under-identified such as English Learners, economically disadvantaged students, and children of color through active recruitment to participate in the CW/MU and WOW programs. the 1997-1998 school year, Mesita Elementary developed a Dual Language Gifted/Talented Magnet Program with a purpose to include children who were English Learners (ELs). Historically, and nationally, ELs were not included in the GT identification/classification because they did not speak English. Mesita broke that mold. Students are provided with a gifted and talented curriculum enriched with depth and complexity in a 50/50 dual language setting, Spanish and English.
This program is an inclusive model for native English speakers, Spanish speakers, and speakers of other languages. The curriculum includes: Advanced-level products in English and Spanish; Curriculum alignment to Kaplan's Model and National Association for Gifted Children. Mesita Elementary School has become the district's Magnet Program for Dual Language (DL) Gifted/Talented Education, known as Connecting Languages/Mundos Unidos (CW/MU). Widening Our Worlds (WOW) is the partner program for students who opt to participate only in Dual Language and is the model for the district. Both program models have the same 3 three critical non-negotiables of DL: (1) Both languages shall be used every day; (2) All content areas are taught and learned in both languages; and (3) Simultaneous biliteracy is developed across all content areas. Both languages are intentionally and systematically used every day across all content areas and assessments are given in both languages. In addition, to add to its unique offering for all students is the learning of Mandarin throughout their education. Bilingualism/Multilingualism, simultaneous biliteracy, high academic achievement and social cultural competence are the goals for this program, and for these students. Students are becoming biliterate, creative thinkers, problem solvers and multiculturally competent.
- Access
- Accountability
- Keys to Access & Accountability
Improve Access for all learners in more languages
Actively Recruit HULs
Strategies to Recruit HULs
Local recruitment campaigns targeting specific communities or learners
Increase Accountability by effectively meeting all learner needs
Does your program publish description of its language program’s goals and requirements?
Does your program make public its efforts to increase HUL enrollments?
Levels of Language
- 1
Assess Language Outcomes
- DRA/EDL and district-developed benchmarks
Receive Federal Funding
- Yes
Emphasize in Language Program
- Cultural Literacy
- Usage/immersion learning (teaching content through the target language)
Certain aspects of programming help ensure both Access and Accountability and merit more specific inquiry, including Teaching, Immersion Learning, and Partnerships.
Immersion Experience HULs
Institution Information
Groups Over 10%
Latino/Latina/Latinx learners
Authorized IB World School
Title I School